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Old 2006-06-14, 09:09 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: a cold place
Re: The perpetual firewall issue

Since you are showing up as firewalled on both the torrents you are on, then yes, I think you really are firewalled. (If it just shows up occassionally, then it could be a fluke when the tracker went to check.)

Your computer can only tell you if you have those ports forwarded in it, not in your router. So, head over to and make sure you forwarded those ports through your router. I don't think Safari does anything regarding Azureus (I use firefox on my Mac, not Safari, but I don't seem to recall Safari effecting any Azureus preferences when I used to use it).

Being firewalled simply means you may not connect to any other people who are firewalled. If everyone else on the torrent is NOT firewalled, you will see no difference in speed at all. If everyone else on the torrent IS firewalled, you will have no speed at all. Any case inbetween will have some result inbetween those two.
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