more cons:
--not only is there no shntool/TLH support, but there's no xACT support even
--Apple Lossless is not open source, which many of us feel is important
--the m4a container *can* employ DRM, flac can't
--not enough cross-platform compatibility for Windows users
in addition, and i know this may be hard for some of you to believe, but not everyone uses iTunes or an iPod...even some of us Mac headz can't stand em [iTunes is complete shite imo!]

so compatibility with these isn't really an issue, and i certainly don't feel it should be a deciding factor...FLAC does everything we as a trading community needs - ALAC certainly doesn't...
and as my Mama says, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"...i'd say that about sums it up in regards to FLAC
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