Originally Posted by johnbonham0001
Haven't experienced anything quite like this guy. Very aggresive when closing out the deal for a DVD trade...kept asking me if I was going to send them out...." for sure...for sure....etc...." I should have clued in that this guy was an asshole.....it's been 2 months and 1 month since he got my stuff.....and he's responding to me that he does not like my tone when I asked him if he did send them out and if not, just tell me....I've got better things to do !!
here's his name and email address ....
Ivan Grgur..( Croatia )
[email protected]
If I'm wrong and they mysteriously show up.....( all 3 supposed shippments )....I will take this post back....BUT HIGHLY UNLIKELY !!!!
I'm considering giving up the snail mail trading because of DICKS like this...they are few and far between but still sucks to run into one..... 
Hey mr. Joe Crupi,who are you,you asshole???
I don't know you,can you refresh my memory a bit?
Where did we meet?
Oh yeah,I remember,you approached me here at TTD,
and you started to insult me and started threatening me that you would like to trade with me,if not you'll be sad and stuff like that!
I said ok,why not,but without that tone of yours,and it looked great to trade,since you gotne some nice stuff!
And no,I have never shipped 3 packages neither 3 packages were in game,
I shipped a one package,and you said it gotten lost and you haven't received it and at the same time,I still have not receive anything from you,which was strange to me,but when I asked for replacements,he started again to have a tone and to insult me,and stuff like that!
If he won't send my replacements kindly,
why would I bother to sent his,you asshole!
Stop being such a prick,I have smarter bussines to deal with than someone like you! When you decide to sent of my 3DVDs that you owe me,I will send yours off,very easy and simple!
Till than,please don't bother me.
Don't know what your problem is?
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