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Old 2006-06-07, 11:39 PM
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All of a sudden I am firewalled...

A little while ago I logged into tradersden and in the top right hand corner under my name and stats it said FIREWALLED in capital letters... I use Bit Tornado and I have green lights. I use XP with no router, and have made no change in my settings. My windows XP built in firewall is disabled, I use McAffee personal firewall, and I have Bit Tornado (and U-Torrent) set to "allow full access." I already checked the link for windows XP forwarding ( My port range is 6881 thru 6889 and am unsure of what to forward them to when following the how-to guide link noted above.

I restarted my torrents... Now, when I go to it no longer says FIREWALLED under my name in the top right hand corner. However, if I click on the peerlist it does still show my name in red... But my upload speed is comparable to, or better than, the other peers listed (none of whom are firewalled); and my Bit Tornado is still showing a green light.... Am I truly firewalled? Any help or suggestions appreciated.

One other bit of weirdness. Roughly 45 minutes ago I completely closed my window for Garcia/Grisman 1991 DVD (; and just now I completely restarted my computer and have no torrents running yet my name is still listed, in red, on the peer list. Update: It eventually did dissappear from the peerlist. I still have the same firewall problem though when I restarted it.

Again, any help or suggestions appreciated. Thanks!

Last edited by tradefulhead; 2006-06-08 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 2006-06-08, 10:01 AM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

One thing about the FIREWALLED under your stats.... I do a query on the Peers List for your id and it brings me back just the first listing for you it sees. Based on that listing, it will list you as either FIREWALLED or not (in which case nothing is there). So, that would explain why sometimes it shows up there but if you look at one of your Peers Lists for yourself, you are not shown firewalled there. All it takes is one of your connections to show as firewalled and that word could show up under your stats.

Also, simply because you are firewalled, that doesn't necessarily mean that your speeds are going to be slow. All it means is that you cannot connect to other peers who are firewalled. So, if you are on a torrent with a lot of unfirewalled peers, you could have great speeds. However, if you are on a torrent with a lot of firewalled peers, you may have very bad speeds. (Note the work *may* because it really depends on what their upload speeds are also.).
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Old 2006-06-08, 06:57 PM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Thanks for educating me Lynne

I do have one final question though, is there anything I can do to change this?

My XP firewall is disabled and I am using McAffee personal firewall with BT clients allowed full access.

I still see my name in red on the peer list (Stevie Wonder show for example, My interpretation is I needn't forward my ports in XP firewall since it is disabled. I am wondering if this might be an ISP problem (Comcast).

Muito obrigado for the help!
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Old 2006-06-08, 07:41 PM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Some ISPs have started cracking down on 6881-6889. You might want to try a really high port, like over 50000.
I was saying Boo-urns.
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Old 2006-06-08, 08:35 PM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

So I could use some random range such as 50001 thru 50009 and that won't f___ up some other app? Thank you.
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Old 2006-06-08, 09:01 PM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Originally Posted by tradefulhead
So I could use some random range such as 50001 thru 50009 and that won't f___ up some other app? Thank you.
Nope, it won't screw up some other application. Those are 'open' ports. (Well, if you specify that port for another application, then that could screw things up, but you would have to manually specify that port and you would know if you did or not.)
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Old 2006-06-10, 01:25 AM
walter2 walter2 is offline
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Im having problems with this too... i'm using a Linksys Router through Comcast cable, i've gone into my router and turned off the firewall, opened the ports i wanna use, but im not sure how to give myself a static IP, the photo instructions on portforward are for PC and im on a mac... what do i need to do?
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Old 2006-06-10, 10:05 AM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Originally Posted by walter2
Im having problems with this too... i'm using a Linksys Router through Comcast cable, i've gone into my router and turned off the firewall, opened the ports i wanna use, but im not sure how to give myself a static IP, the photo instructions on portforward are for PC and im on a mac... what do i need to do?
First, you need to turn off DHCP in your router. Then you need to give yourself (and any other computers on your network). Go to System Preferences > Network, highlight the green light item (mine is Built-in Ethernet, yours probably is also) and select Configure. Then, where it says Configure IPv4, change it to Manually (if your router allows the option of DHCP with manual addy, then I think you can select that option here also. My router doesn't allow it, so I just have Manually selected). Then input an address that looks like this - (remember this addy, cuz that is what you will forward your ports to in your router). The other values are as says (subnet mask:, rotuer: (usually - it's whatever you put in your browser to get the configuration screeen), DNS Servers: you get those from your ISP). Then click Apply Now. Then, go to your router and forward the ports for the IP addy you put in there.
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Old 2006-06-10, 12:51 PM
alg alg is offline
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Me too now
i am on my third ISP this year. The first started throttling bittorrent so I moved, the second went bust and the third is Bullbog(C&W) in the UK.
I have a static IP address using port 50000 to 5010 and I am firewalled for the first time ! As far as I know the ISP does not throttle (I asked and they said no).
My router SMC 7404 WBRA is set up as before but my client (Bittorrent) and two sites including this one indicate I am firewalled.
Using router firewall only and have checked all settings. Any ideas????
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Old 2006-06-10, 01:12 PM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Are you using Windows XP and you are sure that firewall is turned off? (Some people have said theirs just turned on for no apparent reason). Did you make sure to set up a local static IP for yourself? Open up a terminal and type 'ipconfig'. It will telll you what your local IP is. It will look something like Make sure that is the same IP your forwarded your ports to in the router.
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Old 2006-06-10, 01:42 PM
alg alg is offline
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Oops spot on. The local ip changed during the ISP switch (got used to never checking after switching to static IP)
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Old 2006-06-12, 09:39 PM
europhan europhan is offline
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

If you are using Bit Tornado, just set your port range between 10000 and 60000 and click the randomize box. Bit Tornado's normal port range is 10000-10010, but no problems randomizing higher.
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Old 2006-06-12, 10:17 PM
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Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

Originally Posted by europhan
If you are using Bit Tornado, just set your port range between 10000 and 60000 and click the randomize box....
Um, if you do that, then you need to have ports 10000-60000 forwarded through your router if you don't want to be firewalled (and having 50000 ports forwarded just for a couple of bittorrent connections is pretty unnecessary). Better to change the setting to (something small like) 50000-50005 and then only open up ports 50000-50005 in your router.
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