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Lossy or Lossless?

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Old 2005-06-05, 03:17 PM
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Question Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

I have a concert that I'd like to spend some time with and mix the two sources.

Heres my situation...

Source 1: Lossless Aud in SHN format (only AUD source available)
Source 2: Lossy SBD in mp3 format @192 (only SBD source available)

The problem is, I know for certain that Source 2 has no lossless masters because it was patched from the SBD into an Ipod. As with a lot of SBDs, It lacks the live feeling and its too rich in the vocals.

Source 1 is a fairly decent AUD that lacks what Source 2 has.

so heres my questions...

If I were to mix these sources together would they be considered untradable? Is there a certain percentage that the lossy would have to be at to make it ok for trading?

Obviously my concern is to be able to trade this "improved" source with everyone online. Any input would be appreciated.

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Old 2005-06-05, 04:40 PM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

it would not be allowed here, that's for sure. there are other sites that have clauses for "best available source" where if lossy is the only available source then this sort of a thing is okay. try DIME and also ask over at (they allow webcasts if they're the best available source, this will probably be allowed, too).
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Originally posted by oxymoron
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Old 2005-06-05, 04:44 PM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

ok cool... I was hoping that I could post it all around but I understand.

I was hoping I could squeeze in a %20 lossy %80 lossless. Ah well... should be fun to try anyway for practice.
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Old 2005-06-05, 06:49 PM
4candles 4candles is offline
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Originally Posted by Five
it would not be allowed here, that's for sure. there are other sites that have clauses for "best available source" where if lossy is the only available source then this sort of a thing is okay. try DIME and also ask over at (they allow webcasts if they're the best available source, this will probably be allowed, too).
Dime only allows lossy sources if they are seeded in their original lossy format (not disguised as "lossless" by seeding as FLAC/SHN). But they make an exception if the bitrate was 192kbps or higher, and no copies of the original compressed data are known to exist.

So Dime probably isn't the place for this either - but only the mods there could tell you for sure.
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Old 2005-06-05, 08:49 PM
donovana donovana is offline
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Originally Posted by Five
it would not be allowed here, that's for sure. there are other sites that have clauses for "best available source" where if lossy is the only available source then this sort of a thing is okay. try DIME and also ask over at (they allow webcasts if they're the best available source, this will probably be allowed, too).
Hello everybody. While reading through posts, I have heard refferences to etz, and dime sites. What are these sites, and are they worth looking into? Is it considered treason to go to another site and trade? Everybody has been so friendly and helpful with me, that I feel extreme loyalitty to this site. What are the exact links to log onto these sites? Thanks.
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Old 2005-06-05, 09:00 PM
4candles 4candles is offline
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Originally Posted by donovana
Hello everybody. While reading through posts, I have heard refferences to etz, and dime sites. What are these sites, and are they worth looking into? Is it considered treason to go to another site and trade? Everybody has been so friendly and helpful with me, that I feel extreme loyalitty to this site. What are the exact links to log onto these sites? Thanks.
You can find them yourself if you browse through the audio and video downloads forums and follow the links in torrents marked "EXTERNAL".

So the answer is probably no - it's not considered treason to use other lossless trading sites.
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Old 2005-06-05, 09:02 PM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

ezt is no longer online

its not treason, we all do it!
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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Old 2005-06-05, 10:25 PM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Originally Posted by Five

ezt is no longer online

its not treason, we all do it!

Donovana, the site we sometimes call easytree or EZT is now called dimeadozen or DIME or DaD. It's no big deal to mention other sites here. Every site is different though in what they allow.
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Old 2005-06-06, 12:04 AM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

most tapers get passed pissed off if you mix there sources without there permission....probally not a good idea trade a martix in my opinion....

upseting tapers only = less tapes in the future
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Old 2005-06-08, 12:07 AM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

well the deed is done regardless. I did it for my own amusment but the outcome is great so i wanted to share. If anyone is interested then search torrentspy for tmv mississippi nights and enjoy.

And as for what Wilson says well... folks just need to get over it. Its not their music and they arent making a profit so why the control issues?? But I guess thats a different thread all together, eh?
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Old 2005-06-08, 04:58 AM
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Chomsky - just make sure you note it in the linage. Most tapers don't mind, after you got in touch with them. I (now) always make sure that I tell them what I'm doing 'cus I burned my fingers one time after some ignorance on my part. I know that when you put in the hard work and people critisize it is hard to take, but messing up someone linage can cause problems.
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Old 2005-06-08, 03:37 PM
mpmks mpmks is offline
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Originally Posted by wilson
most tapers get passed pissed off if you mix there sources without there permission....probally not a good idea trade a martix in my opinion....

upseting tapers only = less tapes in the future
tapers have no right to complain what happens to the recording after they give it out. once it has been given out, all bets are off and it is open season
if the tapers wants control, don't give it to anyone is the only answer
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Old 2005-06-08, 03:53 PM
Ted Ted is offline
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Re: Matrix/Trading Ethics question. Good or Bad??

Originally Posted by mpmks
tapers have no right to complain what happens to the recording after they give it out. once it has been given out, all bets are off and it is open season
if the tapers wants control, don't give it to anyone is the only answer
True, but I think they deserve a certain amount of respect for their efforts. After all, we wouldn't have those recordings to "modify" if they hadn't offered them in the first place. I know it's not practical, but getting their blessing to modify is the first thing that comes to mind. Barring that, maybe a special note of credit to the taper should be included in the package?

Personally, I'm a purist. I'd prefer things as they originally were - hiss, clicks, turn-overs, burps, farts, etc., but I can sure appreciate others who want a clean sound or some other type of modification to the original recording. I'm just happy for what I can get - no matter what it sounds like - but given the choice, I choose all original.
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