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Old 2006-03-24, 02:06 PM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

thanks man

I gotta update it a little for foobar v0.9 and put it in the FAQ one of these days
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Originally posted by oxymoron
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Old 2006-11-01, 08:04 PM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

I can't find diskwriter, I'm using foobar2000_0.9.4.1,
I used the link for shn plugin, I don't think it's there anymore, I want to play shn in foobar2000. Any suggestions.
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Old 2006-11-02, 01:52 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

Originally Posted by bullpinjohn
I can't find diskwriter, I'm using foobar2000_0.9.4.1,
I used the link for shn plugin, I don't think it's there anymore, I want to play shn in foobar2000. Any suggestions.
You can get the shn plugin from here
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Old 2007-08-29, 08:17 AM
bodeaga bodeaga is offline
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

As for converting, it is acceptable and encouraged to convert SHN to FLAC, as the former is an outdated and obsolete codec. FLAC has numerous advantages, and you can read a little more about the major differences in the FAQ's audio types and descriptions entry:

shn to flac converted files should not be shared in hubs or torrented.... once converted the tth root will be diffrent as will the md5 checksum leaving you at the sole source for that show. i say leave them as the taper/uploader made them. converted files should be for your own use and thats it!!!!!
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Old 2007-08-29, 08:28 AM
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Angry Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

Converting from SHN to FLAC is bad bad bad!

Backing up in original data format is the key ingredient to successfully archiving and restoring filesets with their original TTH

If everyone starts converting original SHN shows there is going to be mania in the trading community.

John from California may have just read your article. Along with Joe from Alaska, Wendy from Canada, Jack from England, Roberto from Brazil, and Surferdude from Hawaii.

Let's say all of these people were in a Led Zeppelin trading group and each of them obtained the same exact bootleg over the last 5 years.

Each of them never directly traded with each other and they dont know each other. However through the next month each of them are going to read that article and they are going to want to try and "help" the community like you just "tried" to. And theyt follow your advice and by pure coincedence all convert or re-rip their SHN bootleg into FLAC by means of a combination of different softwares.

Now one seeds on Dime, one seeds on a private tracker, one seeds bootleg archive, another one seeds on Echoes Hub etc etc

Now we have the original zep shn boot circulating along with 4 more different FLAC rips of the same show. By the time this propagates into each community and and gets incorrectly distributed, everyone is going to be confused and some people very angry that there is alot of work to be done

5 different rips of the same boot circulating with all different TTH matches is not something our communities need. We need to spend less time fixing things that are not broken, and concentrate and focus our energy on the now and the future to make things simpler and get these mp3 traders to understand the concept of lossless audio. NOT find ways to convert lossless audio into other lossless formats and shit in our own backyard.

Think of what happens when this happens to 1000 boots x 5 conversions. Who is going to fix this? When Jane in Iowa had a bad TTH set in a show and she asks for help with disc1 track 7? Pierre in france send it to her and it extracts fine, but it doesnt match her TTH file set. - She doesnt know any better and then decides to make NEW ffp/md5s and delete her old ones. (This way she has a matching set from 2 different sources that she may trade and really fuck up the communities.

So now let me ask you again............

What are you recommending? You were saying WHAT? Did the leader of the mp3 community send you over as a drone to secretly try and plant this horrible information into our heads or did you think this, blood-curdling festering boil on the butt of humanity yourself?
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Old 2007-08-29, 09:28 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

But if you include a .wav .md5 or .st5 in all your seeds you can see that the audio data is exactly the same! Fixing SBEs is where it gets more complicated because there are so many different ways to fix them. No portable players or server type home players support SHN, but a lot of them support FLAC. I say everything should be converted to FLAC and be done with it. If there was a database, like, for all shows, you could access it any time and get the .wav .md5 or .st5 and verify that your set matches, then do a conversion following instructions provided on exactly how it was done. You convert using the same process they did so you get the same result. The TTH root won't match, though. But if everyone followed the same instructions for converting, and everyone converted, the TTH root WILL match. Just my 2 cents and opinion.
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Old 2007-08-29, 09:42 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

No portable players or server type home players support SHN

Correct, but ya know, they invented something thats newer on the market and really cool. Its called CDs!!! They just came out. Have you ever heard of them? Oh and I hear that they are supported by most home and portable players.
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Old 2007-08-29, 09:51 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

CD players came out in 1983! When did portable audio file players come out? Oh, around 2000. I would love to be able to someday burn a data DVD with FLACs and have my home player play back the files. Currently I burn DVD-Audio discs (up to 7 hours of 16/44.1 audio on ONE disc) so I don't have to burn tons of CDs. It has to be authored to DVD format though, which is time consuming and necessitates the burning of another disc. It is also uncompressed. If all the files were FLAC, I could probably fit about 12 hours on one disc.
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Old 2007-08-29, 09:57 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

FYI they have 36GB DVDs out now...... or coming out soon.

Let me ask you this. What happens when a better lossless compression format comes out? Something better than FLAC. And what happens when one comes out even better than that one 10 years from now?

Should we all re-rip shows from re-ripped shows?

Leaving everything in their original format is the way to trade. If you want to alter something that personally suits your hardware or your collection format, then fine, but dont share anything except the originals.

Its a 100% safe bet, you will start from the original and not something re-ripped 20 times down the road. Wouldn't you rather have an original roio then one you arent sure who had their hands on?
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Old 2007-08-29, 10:01 AM
bodeaga bodeaga is offline
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

and if left as shn like the taper/uploader intended them to be it would only be about 11.5 hours.
seams to me converting 7 gigs from shn to flac it a very large waste of time and ruins the integrity of that show.....
shn to flac is for your head only and not trading.... if you got the time to convert all that .... lucky you....
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Old 2007-08-29, 10:05 AM
Mooner Mooner is offline
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

if all this was posted in the Leecher'sDen, you'd all be wrong. But this is the Trader'sDen, and as TRADER'S we have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of what we trade... so that TRADERS that come after us can be assured we've passed on original, unfukdwith, boots.
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Old 2007-08-29, 10:14 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

Exactly, if a better open source lossless format came out in 10 years that reduced the size of a rock-n-roll .wav by 80% (doubtful), everything should be switched over to that. DVD+Rs and CD-Rs should be backed up anyway at least every ten years. FLAC is updated all the time so it achieves better compression.

And again, it doesn't ruin the intgrity of the show, just the integrity of the TTH and SHN .md5. If you have the .wav .md5 or .st5, you can prove all the data is the same.

I'm not suggesting that everyone convert all their stuff everytime a new version of FLAC comes out so they can get a .01% improvement in the compression. It's about compatibility, and FLAC is much more compatible than SHN in portable players and home server type players. FLAC is the best open source format now and for the forseeable future.
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Old 2007-08-29, 10:22 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

Also, I'm not talking about ripping audio CDs with EAC, then encoding to FLAC, or re-ripping. That changes the .wav .md5.

PS: It is possible to rip an audio CD with EAC and get .wav's that will match the originals, but you have to correct the read and write offset, but most people don't know about that.
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Old 2007-08-29, 10:33 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

well, we require either ffp or st5 at this site. the 32 character hash from an ffp or st5 checksum will match on any perfect conversion from shn, flac, ape or wav.

shntool md5 (st5) is similar in principal to an md5 of the wav files, but more efficient.

who wants to argue with me?
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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Old 2007-08-29, 11:01 AM
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Re: Foobar2000 SHN > FLAC Conversion: A Visual Guide

Originally Posted by Five
who wants to argue with me?
Not me!
Five's Checksums Demystified - everything and anything you want to know about checksums
On a Mac? Get XLD to rip your CDs. Please see this guide - X Lossless Decoder (XLD): How to create flawless CD rips on Mac OS X

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The Traders' Den > Where we go to learn ..... > Technobabble

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