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Old 2007-11-29, 04:13 PM
ChrisTM ChrisTM is offline
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File correction

I have just finished downloading a torrent/concert that is currently only found deep in a forum thread. It has a possible companion concert (one of the two nights) that is located in the torrent list. I understand from the thread that the torrent may have been modified/repaired. It is a quality, noteworthy recording that probably should be placed in the torrent list. Here is its file name: 1970-XX.ALL STAR JAM.sbefail.flac16_Tuesday Nite Jam, The Matrix, SF-fixed . It would be such a waste to not propigate this show. See what you can do. Currently seeding.

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Old 2007-11-29, 05:31 PM
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Re: File correction

I don't understand what you are saying. The list of files in the torrent threads is a list taken directly from the torrent file itself. It is not something we can add to or remove from. The only way it can be changed is if someone makes a new torrent file with the track added/removed and uploads it to the tracker. Then the tracker will make a list of the contents of that torrent file and put it in the thread. And if you are talking about having the torrent listed on our list of torrents, it is there. I really am a bit confused about what you are saying.
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Old 2007-11-30, 03:53 PM
ChrisTM ChrisTM is offline
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Re: File correction

My point is simply this- if you happened to be looking for this specific show in the general torrent collection under any of the musicians' names, your look would be futile- at least mine was/is. You would find a concert consisting of only one of the dates included in what I downloaded. Today, I was able to find the show only by searching for the venue location of the concert, and then was forwarded into the audio forum where the concert was found in a posting thread. The rest of the information was only descriptional backround that you might have found if you had bothered to actually investigate what I had said. This excellent show deserves a little more respect than this. LOOK FOR THE MATRIX!
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Old 2007-11-30, 04:30 PM
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Re: File correction

Originally Posted by ChrisTM
My point is simply this- if you happened to be looking for this specific show in the general torrent collection under any of the musicians' names, your look would be futile- at least mine was/is. You would find a concert consisting of only one of the dates included in what I downloaded. Today, I was able to find the show only by searching for the venue location of the concert, and then was forwarded into the audio forum where the concert was found in a posting thread. The rest of the information was only descriptional backround that you might have found if you had bothered to actually investigate what I had said. This excellent show deserves a little more respect than this. LOOK FOR THE MATRIX!
Are you serial?

can I assume you're talking about this torrent?

Did you try using the artist's last names as keywords in your search?

And FYI, if you have a hard time finding something, how are the mods to know what you're talking about when you don't even provide a link to the thread in question? I figured it out only by searching your posts.

Oh, and welcome to the Traders Den

Last edited by ccrider895; 2009-01-19 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 2007-12-08, 01:37 PM
ChrisTM ChrisTM is offline
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Re: File correction

Hey, sorry. No offense intended. I thought I was being helpful and encouraging as others I have shown this thread to are in agreement with me. I'm just a regular guy out in the real world. From now on I'll try to stay out of the way and continue to enjoy the music. Peace and enjoy the weekend.
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The Traders' Den > Where we go to learn ..... > Technobabble

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