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Old 2023-02-07, 11:51 AM
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dandrew dandrew is offline
TTD Staff
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Join Date: May 2013
Thumbs up Cloud Backup

I have been using a could storage backup service called Backblaze for years, and I can't recommend it highly enough for collectors. Almost everyone at some point has experienced a hard drive crash, and the pain associated with losing all the music on the drive and trying to recover it.

Backblaze will alleviate your pain. Here's how.

1. When I subscribed, it was $60/year for unlimited - yes, UNLIMITED - cloud storage. The price is now $94, but it's still a bargain.

2. The interface is super easy to use and incorporate into your computer - just download and push a few keystrokes and voila - you're all set.

3. You can control how often and how fast (for those with bandwidth limitations) you want to back up your files.

4. And - when the crash happens - you can recover your files. If it's just a small amount of files lose, you can log in and download the files to recover what was lost. But if you lose a large amount of material, they will send you an external hard drive -- overnight, by Fed Ex -- that contains your material so you can then re-upload it. And here's the best part: while you pay $200 for the external drive, if you return the drive within 30 days, you get your money back. They just take the $200 to ensure that you don't keep the drive.

5. They have great customer service if you ever need help.

If you have any questions, PM me, but I recommend everyone get this incredible service.
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