I got a new burner not too long ago and hadn't configured the EAC properties for ripping from that drive yet, so I thought I might kill two birds with one stone and look over the blowfish.be EAC guide that randytravis gave us (Thank You) and re-configure my EAC options.
I found the
http://blowfish.be/eac/ guide to be both up to date and quite useful. I only used the sections of the guide that covered the general EAC Options and the Drive Options.
The guide was written for EAC v0.99, but there is also some info for v0.95 users.
It suggested two independent tools to check for audio caching on my burner during audio ripping ... CacheX and Feurio.
I didn't try Feurio (maybe I should have). I found that CacheX gave excellent information, but had a "gotcha" or two. First, if you run cachex don't use a repetition count higher than 8 (-n 8) because the individual passes are quite slow. Second, both the cachex zip file and the cachex executable threw (for me) false positives for virus/malware/etc. You can see it is a false positive by looking at
this post The cachex exe is "runtime packed." That's a technique for reducing the size of the exe. Unfortunately the vast majority of malware also uses that technique, but for a much different reason. The heuristsics (= "I'm going to guess") part of your anti-virus program may well alert on programs that are "packed."
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