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TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
One of my master DVDs was uploaded on here a few weeks ago _AGAINST MY WILL_. It clearly states in the DVD menu that I do not wish my DVD to be torrented at all. _NO-ONE ASKED ME FOR PERMISSION TO UPLOAD SAID DVD ON TTD_
Big deal, move around... Now comes the juicy part though: Since I filmed, transferred, edited and authored the show I know exactly that there is official songs (actually there's 3 different full length songs) of the Artist in the DVD menu. I filed a report on July 19th, but the DVD still stays online and to this day still is online on TTD. Two days later I was told that the issue is being discussed but the preliminary read is that it is going to stay. My question is: Why is there a rule which doesn't allow official releases to be shared on TTD when you clearly violate said rule TTD staff? Someone please explain this fauxpas to me. I hope we can solve this problem in a decent way, because I sure tried to be as polite as possible and offer my constructive criticism. And remember folks: The tapers and filmers who bust their asses everytime they want to record a show keep places like TTD alive. Without us there wouldn't be such a place. Thanks for your attention.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
That´s usually no big deal over here, only on Dime as far as I know. Even on Zomb you´ll find DVDs with official songs in the menu, I particulary think of TOOL.
-- "never understood the snobbishness over a microphone. I mean fuck, I killed 3 moose, 2 caribou and a bear by age 16, but I sure as hell don't go bragging about the gun used (.308). the point is to knock down the animal, not what you knock it down with. dumbass." (Ballsdeep, 2015-02-16) -- http://www.thetradersden.org/forums/...faq_audioguide No members have liked this post.
Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
So you violated the copyright law by putting the official released material into the menu, but you want people to respect whatever you wrote on those menus? Oh boy.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
There are two issues here:
1. We don't care if a taper doesn't want their stuff torrented. If they don't want it traded, don't trade it out. I'm not going to police and try to figure out who the real taper is, etc. I'm sure you can see the practical impossibility for me know who is who on the internet. so, WE DON'T CARE IF WE DON'T HAVE YOUR PERMISSION. DON'T GIVE YOUR SHIT TO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T TRUSTWORTHY IF YOU DON'T WANT IT TORRENTED. I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE FROM ADAM. If a SEEDER wants their torrent pulled, that's fine. We know who seeded it. 2. If officially released material is a small portion of an overall project and it is not the express purpose of the torrent to spread officially released material, that is generally allowed. Those are case by case decisions. I'm not sure what the video mod's analysis of this situation was, but evidently they are OK with it. Or forgot about it. One or the other. No members have liked this post.
Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
FM99 sounds like a guy who does not even eat ribs, let alone enjoy a few Stolis.....Is he looking for quality time with Shmoe? Perhaps that is due
"We're here to have a ball." Art Blakey "Reality is a hallucination brought on by lack of alcohol." Graham Chapman "I'll drink to your health til it ruins mine" Art Blakey "Trust a pro" Keith Richards "here is my offer: nothing" Mike C No members have liked this post.
Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
Trust me. I know it sucks when something you don't want shared get's posted in public. It has happened to me many times. I have learned through these encounters who is trustworthy, who is not, and that in the end it doesn't matter. Our objectives of this site are to share as much music as possible.
68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844 No members have liked this post.
Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
the dvd was uncirculated, before it was uploaded here.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
Well actually, no, it was not uncirculated. It was not widely or openly circulated.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
trust me, it was really uncirculated before it got on here.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
So how was it torrented if you had the only copy? Magic? No members have liked this post.
Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
No, we are not going to make the rules here like the Halakha.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
Alright then, I guess you have every right to do so.
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
what dvd is it?
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Re: TTD Staff: Why don't you follow your own rules?
couple of shows I want to get my hands on that aren't circulating....... No members have liked this post.
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